How to REALLY Make your Business Stand’s out on Google

REALLY Make your Business Stand’s out on Google


In a few years we have gone from having to convince companies to make the website to receiving calls from people who want to ‘be first on Google’ every day.

But on the first page of Google there is only room for a few… Earning a place there is reserved for the persevering and brave.

The number of web pages has multiplied by a thousand in recent years and here it is about competing: the more people, the worse, and the more recent your online presence, the same.

There is a very important factor in web positioning or SEO work, that is, the position that my website occupies in Google, and it is the age: the web pages that appear in the top positions of Google have an average age of 3-4 years.

Therefore, if you have just launched a website, chances are you will not appear there, nor on the first page. There are others who arrived years before you and it is logical that you are below.

When we make a web page, depending on the sector, it usually appears on page 3, 4 or 5 of Google. With good luck, it may appear in 2. This is normal.

That is, having a web page, input, will not put you on the first page of Google. Assume it!

You will have to work day by day and constantly over time so that your website will climb positions and one day you will be among the first in Google.

It sounds very bad from the start… but it is common sense and a reflection of the ‘real’ world: any company competes in its sector with other companies and must make a constant effort to stay there, to be competitive.

In Google, the same. Google doesn’t care if your company is 20 years old, 5 months old or a week old. When you ‘open’ on the internet you are new, you start from scratch and you will have to work hard to make a name for yourself and be visible. And… What can I do to climb positions in the Google search engine?

Here are 8 aspects that you should be working on now

1.- Make sure that your website is well developed in terms of on-page positioning. And have a BLOG.

2.- Configure and fully exploit Google My Business and ASK FOR REVIEWS.

3.- Investigate the most common search trends in your sector and generate content of interest to your potential customers.

4.- Use social networks to attract visits to your website.

5.- One of the most important and least known positioning factors: link building.

6.- A push to start… Google ads.

7.- Be brave and bet on the video.

8.- Promote your company in the ‘real’ world and you will boost your online visibility.

1.- The first thing, and we are going one step back, is to make sure that your website is well developed in terms of on-page positioning.

What is this? Take a look at this article about the 10 factors that most influence the positioning of a web page.

You will see that there are factors specific to the page and other factors. Example: a proper factor is the loading speed. External factors are the number of visits to the page or the age.

Now a day’s Digitalmarketing experts call it the most crucial step in doing the technical audit of a website.

If your website does not have its own factors well resolved, it is highly unlikely that you will become the first in Google.

If your website takes 10 seconds to load, even if you do everything we have below, you will not achieve the objective. Google is going to reject your website.

Therefore, be very careful when developing your website, not to start this race with a huge stone in the shoe.

And of course, it is essential that your website has a BLOG so that you can publish updated content capable of generating interest and attracting your potential customers. We will explain this later.

2.- Set up and complete 100% the Google My Business file… and GET REVIEWS FROM YOUR CLIENTS.

Google My Business is a free service from Google, a space in your search engine for companies. It is the tab that appears on the right side of the search engine when we enter the name of a company, or the information displayed about our company on Google Maps.

The competition is so high, that the recommendation is not that you have a Google My Business file, but that you exploit it 100%. Google allows you to upload photos, videos, articles, offers about your products and services, even information about your products. Etc, etc, etc, etc.

3.- Investigate the most common search trends in your sector and generate content of interest to your potential customers.

The first thing is the STRATEGY. And before, INVESTIGATION. You must know what your potential client is looking for in Google, and your website and subsequent actions must adapt 100% to it.

And not the other way around. The first thing is to know what your client is looking for in order to offer it to them. We investigated this at minute zero, BEFORE making the website.

The very structure of your website must respond to what your customer is looking for, and how they are looking for it.

An example: there are law firms that, in their menu of services, speak of CIVIL LAW, CRIMINAL LAW…

What is this? No idea. When I am looking for a lawyer, it is because I am getting a divorce, or I have an employment problem, or I have to manage an inheritance…

I search for ‘divorce lawyer’, ‘dismissal lawyer’, ‘inheritance lawyer’.

Ideally, the web sections should be related to these searches: DIVORCES, INHERITANCES, DISMISSALS. So clearly, do you see the difference?

A lawyer’s website that has a DISMISSAL section is focused on the client and Google.

And once we have the website up and running, we must develop a content generation strategy that is also in line with these searches and that takes into account what we call the PURCHASE PROCESS.

Because I can search for ‘divorce lawyer’ or, at a stage prior to hiring the lawyer, I can search for ‘what is a divorce’ or ‘how much does a divorce cost’.

You realize? People not only search in a generic way for ‘bilbao lawyers’, but also ‘how much does a lawyer who takes me get a divorce cost’.

According to SEO agency dubai, with the arrival of voice search, we will do more and more detailed searches, because we will not have to write it. There are other SEO companies and SEO forums that help you build that knowledge.

This topic is VERY IMPORTANT. There are already companies in your environment working on this strategy, but it is not yet a general trend. There are tremendous opportunities for anyone who takes it seriously.

Not only will you attract customers, but you will become a benchmark in your area of ​​activity and that will give prestige to your company.

4.- Use social networks to attract visits to your website.

Another topic that makes us very nervous… social networks.

It is not that overnight, you will become influencers… But that “I do not like social networks” must be banished.

If you want your company to have visibility on Google, you have to work on social networks.

If you have read the article on positioning factors, generating traffic to your website is one of the most important. You must use social networks as a magnet that attracts potential customers to your website.

In the networks we will share, among other things, the strategic content that we have discussed in the previous point. If you limit yourself to publishing things on your website and sit down to wait for visits, it will not happen: you have to make an effort to spread them, and for this social networks are ideal.

Special tip: use Linkedin. It is a somewhat abandoned social network and, however, super powerful, especially if your potential client is of professional profile or directly companies.

5.- One of the most important and least known positioning factors: link building.

Have you heard of link building? The vast majority surely not, some of you may have heard it mentioned.

Link building is ‘ link building ‘ and is currently one of the most relevant web positioning factors.

But what is this? It has to do with the reputation of a company. In the ‘real’ world, your company has earned a ‘name’ over the years. At first no one knows you, but over time you become ‘famous’ (to a greater or lesser degree).

We all know companies in our environment, those of a lifetime. And there is a general opinion about them, usually good. They are so well known for a reason.

When it comes to highlighting some or other companies in the search engine, Google is guided in a similar way. In the first positions of Google are “prestigious”, recognized, quality companies.

Yeah, but… how does Google know which are these companies? Well, checking if they have ‘fame’, if they are ‘known’ on the internet. And he finds this out by detecting if ‘it is spoken’ about that web page on the internet, that is, on other web pages.

If there are web pages outside your business that talk about your web page, that is, they include a link to your web page, it is because you are worth mentioning.

If this happens a lot, it is that you are a remarkable company. If your website is mentioned on highly prestigious pages, it means that you are a VERY OUTSTANDING company.

Example: the website of the newspaper El País makes an article on architecture and mentions some studies, including a link to its website.

WOW! El País is a very important website and it is talking about you… That means that you are also very important.

However, if your website is mentioned in the blog of the neighborhood residents’ association, well, it’s not bad, but it’s not the same.

Link building is a strategy aimed at getting links to your website on third-party websites, the more the better and the more important those third-party websites are, the better.

It is about ‘forcing’ the ‘opinion’ that Google has of us to make us stand out among the first in the search engine. But be careful, because if you go over, Google will penalize you.

Cheating Google is not a good idea… We can ‘force’ a little, but without going over. If Google catches you cheating (because it can catch you), the punishment is no joke: it relegates you to the search engine and to see how you get out of that hole.

You can get the first natural links in your social network profiles, in internet company directories, in associations in your sector, professional schools, etc.

Then it is a matter of encouraging these links to emerge. You have to work hard. If I don’t give that talk, the link doesn’t exist…

The reward is worth it. It is these links that drive you on Google. They are the difference between being on the second page of Google or being in position.

  1. For your information, there is the possibility of buying links. There are companies that offer this service: they know where to place the link to your website by forcing it but it seems natural at the same time.

This has a risk as we have said, but you should know that many companies are buying links to improve their positioning.

It is a service that is within your reach… It is your decision if you carry out actions of this type, assuming the risk that they entail.

6.- A push to start… Google ads.

If you are a new company or you are launching a website, reading all this will be depressing you a little… It is maddening to think that it can be years, yes, years! Until you appear among the first in Google.

If you appear… Because if you don’t do anything we tell you, you won’t appear.

We often recommend Google Ads, Google Ads, to our customers to get out of the hole and gain immediate visibility.

Google ads appear at the top of the search engine, you will see that it puts AD in the top results at all. There we are paying Google to get our ad (linked to our website) when certain searches are made.

From one day to the next, your website may be there. It is a luxury. It costs money, yes, but it is usually a very profitable investment: these ads get you clients and in most sectors they are quite affordable.

In addition, they contribute to generating movement, they bring visits to your website. On a new page, this is essential. This movement will help your page to climb little by little positions, and when you least expect it, you may see yourself on the first page of Google!

7.- Be brave and bet on the video.

If social networks raise our tension… With the video we get dizzy!

How easy it is to recommend making videos for your potential clients… and how difficult it is to make them.

First, we have to overcome our complexes, both physical and psychological. Even if you think you are very sure of yourself, deep down we often have insecurities.

Then there is the technical part, but this, fortunately, is no longer an obstacle. Nowadays, with a good mobile phone, a tripod and a little editing and design, anyone can make some great videos.

Video is the format of the present and the future. The theory is this: create a YouTube channel and use that strategic information you have on search trends in your sector to regularly create interesting videos for your potential client.

If you do, you will enter the first division and reach the top positions of Google in an accelerated way.

8.- Promote your company in the ‘real’ world and you will boost your online visibility.

Last but not least: don’t forget the ‘real’ world. Before we have seen how by giving a talk, we have managed to get a website from outside to mention us. You must take every opportunity to promote your website, your social networks, your YouTube channel…

Of course, include this information on your business card, company stationery, email signature, physical promotional material about your products and services, on the exterior signs of your premises, on your vehicles, on your company clothing…

Make t-shirts, business gifts with the link to your website… In your advertising, include your website clearly visible.

Get out of the office, connect, go to networking events, promote your company and, with it, its website. Organize your own events, you can give training, talks… And your website, always well visible.

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