Crohn’s Disease and CBD: A Promising Path to Symptom Relief

Crohn's Disease and CBD


Crohn’s disease is a severe form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a chronic ailment affecting millions of people in the world. IBD occurs when the immune system destroys tissue in the gastrointestinal tract, or gut, creating inflammation. Crohn’s disease causes inflammation anywhere in the intestines between the mouth and the anus.

The symptoms differ from person to person and can significantly affect the quality of life. They include, but are not limited to, frequent diarrhoea, bleeding, constipation, abdominal pain and cramps, an urgent desire to use the restroom and a sensation that the bowels have not emptied properly. Other IBD symptoms may include fatigue, appetite loss, weight loss, fever, and sweating at night. In this article, we will see whether cbd capsules will help people suffering from this disease.

How does cannabis can help?

Cannabis has been used medicinally for thousands of years. The plant includes chemicals known as cannabinoids, which have unique effects on various regions of the body, including the immune system, the brain, and the rest of the central nervous system.

Cannabinoid receptors are broadly dispersed throughout the digestive tract. Cannabinoids attach to cell receptors, or proteins, which receive signals and have specific effects within cells.

CB1 receptors, which are triggered by the psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), are found on neuronal plexuses that regulate bowel motions, secretory activity, and blood flow. THC thus alleviates diarrhoea by slowing intestinal motions and lowering glandular secretions. THC improves stomach pain via binding to CB1 receptors in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral pain-conducting nerve fibres.

Cannabinoids also have anti-inflammatory properties. CBD capsules activates CB2 receptors, which are mostly present on immune cells and in the gastrointestinal system, hence reducing inflammatory activity. Anti-inflammatory cytokines are produced more, while proinflammatory cytokines are reduced. The extent to which the CB1 receptor contributes to inflammation in IBD is unknown.

What does the research say?

Many people with Crohn’s disease use cannabis regularly to relieve their symptoms. Doctors and scientists have long assumed that the relief was due to some anti-inflammatory action however, the new study have given a new perspective.

It is indeed true that Cannabis treatment can reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life in people with Crohn’s disease but it doesn’t have any effect on intestinal inflammation, according to new data. The study is the first to establish, according to medical consensus, that cannabis’s favourable effect on Crohn’s disease is not due to reduced gut inflammation. We know that cannabinoids can have profound anti-inflammatory effects, but this study indicates that the improvement in symptoms may not be related to these anti-inflammatory properties.

According to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation’s official position statement on medical cannabis, while there is some evidence that cannabinoids produced naturally in our bodies may help with inflammation, it is unclear whether similar substances found in cannabis do. There is some evidence that cannabis can help with symptoms, but its use is limited due to worries about side effects and safety. One has to understand that legal restraints make it difficult for scientists to explore the medical qualities of cannabis and due to this, the study around this is still in the evolving stage.

When you buy cbd capsules online from the Hempstrol website, they will explain the dosage and strength you should choose by taking into consideration your health.

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