5 tips to take care of your cat at a lower cost

5 tips to take care of your cat at a lower cost


Caring for a cat can sometimes cost the owner its head. Between the coats, nutrition, care at the veterinarian, the maintenance of this small pet can require a real budget. Fortunately, there are ways you can take care of your cat at a lower cost.

Here are some great tips on this!

Tip # 1: Natural tips for treating the coat

The condition of a cat’s coat provides information on its state of health. The latter should shine and be soft to the touch. If your cat’s coat is dry and brittle, it certainly indicates an illness or deficiency in food. To guarantee a beautiful coat for your cat, you do not need to spend a fortune. To do this, you need to know where to get the articles and products necessary for your cat at a good price.

Very often used on baby’s buttocks to avoid irritation, talc can also treat your cat’s coat. All you have to do is sprinkle this product on your cat’s coat. You leave a few minutes and then you brush. Besides talc, you can use baking soda. You can also use corn flour.

Tip # 2: How to pay less at the vet?

The care of the cat at the vet very often takes a fairly large amount of money. But, to have care at a lower cost, there are a few tips.

You can bring your cat to the SPA dispensaries. These are dispensaries dedicated to people with no means and wishing to have their cats vaccinated or cared for. For acts such as sterilization, it is possible to have a reduction of 30% by going to one of the four veterinary schools in the public sector. You can also go to the Animal Assistance foundation, or the veterinary association for all.

Tip 3: How to feed your cat at a lower cost?

Feeding your cat is imperative. He must have a balanced meal every day that can keep him healthy. To reduce the cost of feeding your cat, the most suitable solution is to buy large quantities of food. Whether in store or with a breeder, choosing the maximum package of 15 kilograms is ideal if you want to save some money.

To make sure that the quantity will not dominate the quality of your cat’s nutrients, you can become a member of the clubs of the brands you buy the most. You will thus be entitled to promotions as well as loyalty points. You can also go to the butcher to pick up the meat scraps.

Tip # 4: Make toys for your cat

It is essential for your cat to have fun. This allows him to stretch his legs and thus avoid boredom which is one of his worst enemies. To allow her to have fun, you don’t need to buy toys for your cat; you can ake them yourself. You can for example make holes in a cardboard to amuse your cat. You can also make a puzzle for your cat. This can be done using toilet paper cartons.

Tip # 5: Buy a scratching post for your cat

It is important for your cat to have his nails done; for that, he needs a scratching post. There are multiple sites online that allow you to acquire a scratching post for your cat at a very low price. You can also visit a site to find promotions for your pet’s promo code site to have this item at a good price.

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